Wednesday, March 31, 2010


This week's Illustration Friday word is Rescue. So I was trying to think of when I last felt "rescued." And I think I feel rescued when ever I am in my own little world, drawing, crocheting, reading, and doing all the little things I enjoy doing. And I got to pay homage to Danny Gregory and his book An Illustrated Life, which rescued me from the lack of inspiration. I really don't think I'd still feel so inspired to draw so consistently if I hadn't come across this book. Plus... it lead me to Illustration Friday!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This is my interpretation of the word Subterranean for
Illustration Friday

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My Illustration Friday drawing for this week's word: Brave. I can remember the first time I jumped off the high dive like it was yesterday. I have no idea how old I was. Maybe eight? I stood up there for awhile. Too scared to jump, too proud to climb back down that ladder. When I finally jumped and came to the surface, I remember swimming toward my mom who was waiting for me by the side of the pool. I was laughing. I did it! When I climbed out, she hugged me and I burst out crying. It wasn't because it hurt when I hit the water, or because it scared the crap out of me. It was just so emotional!


This is my Illustration Friday entry for the word Perspective. I missed the posting. Oh well. I couldn't get the good ol' technical version of a perspective drawing out of my head.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my second Illustration Friday entry! The word of the week is Propagate. These are three plants I have on a shelf in our house. The first was from a cutting from my sister's plant and the next one is from a farm fair. The one in the vase is currently growing its roots and is from another plant in my house - which was originally taken from a plant that lived at the copy center I worked at on campus in college!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


This is my first Illustration Friday entry! The word of the week is Adrift, and this is my interpretation.

I drew this one morning at Panera Bread. This is the first time I've drawn in public since college - and that was usually with a group of people in a park or something. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.

Breaking in my new Prismacolor colored pencils. Lots of color amid a mostly black and white sketchbook.

Too much snow this past week in Baltimore.

Friday, February 12, 2010

My go-to move. When feeling uninspired, make up a plant.

Another plant from my imagination. I guess it kind of looks like a ficus though.

I actually drew this one day when I was home sick from work. Trying to make myself feel better. Who doesn't like getting flowers when they're sick?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A lot of times, if I'm not sure what to draw, I'll make up plants. I think it would be cool to have a whole wall of them like this!

I was having a hard time motivating myself to draw one night and my husband suggested drawing one of my little, red Buddhas. It gave me a chance to use my .005, red Micron pen!

I drew this after spending a fun-filled day at the Maryland Renaissance festival. I mostly wanted to draw the cute, clay owl pendant I bought, and then decided to make up some other stuff to go along with it.

This is the view from the sofa.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is Owen. My 24 pound cat. I don't like to call him "fat" because, well, who likes to be called "fat?" And since he can understand English (yes!), I just don't like to use that f-word.

I drew this one night while enjoying a cup of Earl Grey tea. I usually draw in pen, and don't sketch in pencil first, so that I have to deal with any mistakes (finding that they usually work themselves out.... usually). Anyway, I totally screwed up the ellipses so I went with it and made the rest of the drawing look a little "off." I think I like it that way.

I drew this last summer when I returned home from a much needed vacation. I guess I was still trying to channel that warm, blissful feeling of being at the beach. I drew it with a Sharpie pen, and cut and pasted the red star from a magazine ad.

My First Blog

I have drawn my whole life. But after graduating from college, I rarely made time to be creative.

Last summer I decided to start keeping a small sketch book. Within a few days of my Decision, I came across Danny Gregory's book, An Illustrated Life. I love when the Universe gives you what you need when you need it! (I highly recommend this book, and others that he's written, by the way.) Since then, I have more sketches in my little sketch book than I think I've done, total, in the past 10 years!

My drawings aren't much, but I think that's the awesome thing about them! Looking back, I think I avoided creating "artwork" because I felt I had to spend HOURS creating something perfect. And then... what would I do with it? Stick it in my closet?

That's what I love about my sketch book. It's easily accessible, as are pens, pencils, magazines, glue, etc. I can spend one minute or one hour on something. There is no pressure to create something "perfect." And everything is contained in a cute little book. Plus, there is this record of the time I spend doing something for ME!

So this is my new Blog. I am going to SHARE my sketchbook with... the world? Well... if the world happens to find me, I guess. I'm a little nervous about this. But I found the website Illustration Friday (also very cool, and something I came across while looking up artists in Danny Gregory's book)! And I've decided to join the fun, when I have time. But in order to do that, I had to have somewhere to store my drawings. So, here they are: my blog... my sketches...